Monday, January 19, 2009

Bebe Gandanghari

I got to watch Rustom Padilla's, oh correction, Bebe Gandanghari's interview in both The Buzz and Startalk and more than my surprise at how beautiful and poised she is, I was appalled by the lack of respect from the interviewers from GMA 7.

Ruffa Guttierez and Kris Aquino are not my favorite people in the world. There is just something about them that comes across as a bit too crass but the interview they conducted with Bebe was all right. In fact, the ease in which they took her transformation and the dubious comments about Rustom being dead, that Binibini Gandanghari was a name she was born with and that she insisits on not having taken any hormones to change her appearance, is commendable. They took it as it is and respected that it is ultimately Rutom's choice to be whoever he wishes to be.

On the other hand, the interview in Startalk was offensive and blatantly "bastos". Not even Ricky Lo's smart questions and Joey de Leon's (this man can be very rude too but he has always been intelligent with his choice of words) attempts at humor could not cover the fact the Buth Francisco should never have the privilege of calling himself a journalist and host and that Lolit Solis has just proven time and time again that she does not have any social graces and should not appear on air. They thought they were witty and were probably hoping that Bebe lose her coo and were hoping for a scandalous reactionl. In fairness to Bebe, she held herself composed and poised, albeit it slipped a bit when she commented: "Nakukulitan na ako kay Nay Lolit!", with bitterness.

Butch and Lolit were plain belligerent, rude and well, stupid.

Watch the videos if you haven't (just search through YouTube). I think you'll agree with me on this.

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